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Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Non-believer Goes on a Quick Rant while being Judged by the Christian God After Death

Yahweh) Early in your life you believed in me but you later denied my existence as you grew older and no longer followed my book. In fact, you spent much of your life getting people to question their beliefs about me, what say you?

Non-believer) It’s true, I once believed in you very much, but I had questions about you that my peers weren't asking. So I asked these questions to men who had dedicated their lives to you and none of them had good answers and often their answers were very different to the same question - which was also odd since many of them claimed they could communicate with you! It’s as though your biggest fans didn't actually know you and just liked the idea that someone as powerful as yourself was on their side.

So after thinking about these questions further, I could no longer believe in you.

Morally I couldn't follow/worship a deity that would give instructions for slavery
(Leviticus 25:44-46) and genocide (Deuteronomy 13:13-16). In the book you had written for you, it says you are perfectly moral. So when I looked at the evidence, the most rational conclusion, was that you didn’t exist and was merely a delusion just as all the thousands of other gods humans have believed in.

And for crying out loud God, the 3rd verse in your book says you created light before you created my planet's' host star along with all the other stars in the cosmos. Light only exists because of the existence of stars. If the creator of the universe wrote a book, it wouldn't get something as simple as that wrong.

Now if you are going to throw me into your hell for not following a deity that endorsed slavery and genocide, and who asks people to follow him on nothing but faith, than you would be the one deserving of hell.

Faith is the most unreliable way of determining what is true, and if there were an evil being trying to gain followers, it would use FAITH along with FEAR to achieve it!

Why would you set up a world in which those who followed the evidence would come to the conclusion that you don’t exist? It’s as if you wanted to reward the gullible and punish those who dared to think critically about their beliefs.

Yes, for much of my life I did try to get people to question their beliefs, but not just their belief in you - but their belief in all gods. I did this because beliefs matter and actions are strongly tied to beliefs. We had people of other religions killing others for simply not believing as they did, and their holy books supported these actions. Your book supported these actions as well (Deuteronomy 13:7-9), but thankfully people stopped taking that part of your book so seriously!

Other than attempting to destroy these people, what other options did I have but to try and get people to think critically about their beliefs?

To require people to accept you based on faith was extremely idiotic and cruel; because those who rely on faith can’t demonstrate that they are correct and there were many people of other faiths unwilling to give theirs up. In fact, those that could demonstrate that they were correct, were completely ignored and often killed because it went against the faith of others!

So you ask me why I didn't continue to follow you, it’s because I wanted to do the right thing and wasn't going to follow a dangerous belief just because I thought it would keep me from being tortured for eternity. What would it say about me if I was willing to sacrifice my morality and integrity just because something more powerful than myself threatened to torture me if I didn't follow it?